Function SkipSelf

  • Experimental

    Begin searching from the parent container to resolve this identifier.

    The constraints supported are listed in ResolutionConstraintFlag.

    Returns ResolutionConstraintFlag

    The resolution constraint bit-flag for SkipSelf.


    This function can be used to construct a bitmask for use in the dependencies array of a service. While this can be used publicly, it is mainly for use within TypeDI; it allows you to configure specific constraints for use when resolving a specific service.

    const constraintBitMask = SkipSelf();

    if (constraintBitMask & ResolutionConstraintFlag.Self) {
    console.log('The dependency will be resolved recursively from the parent.');


    Here is an example of this constraint as part of a service declaration:

    const NAME = new Token<string>('name');
    const childContainer = Container.ofChild(Symbol());

    @Service({ container: childContainer }, [
    [NAME, SkipSelf()]
    class MyService {
    constructor (private name: string) {
    // In this example, $name would evaluate to Joanna instead
    // of Mike. This is due to the SkipSelf decorator.

    childContainer.set({ id: NAME, value: 'Mike' });
    Container.set({ id: NAME, value: 'Joanna' });




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