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Services are one of the core concepts of Dependency Injection. Each service has a certain responsibility and, when each service is brought together, they power the functionality of your project.


This page doesn't aim to be an introductory guide to Dependency Injection.

If you're new to the concept, here are some recommended learning resources:

In your typical NodeJS app, you may have the following services:

  • DatabaseService, for handling connections to the app's database.
  • WebServerService, which would handle the instantiation and management of your web server.
  • DiagnosticsService, allowing for sending diagnostics to a central service.

To see what the above server would look like when implemented in TypeDI, check out the NodeJS Web Server example.

Each service manages one part of the application.

Additionally, each service abstracts away implementation logic. For example, if your application makes use of PostgreSQL now, it is most likely possible that you can change the underlying database implementation within DatabaseService to support a different database, such as MySQL.

TypeDI lets you express services through an expressive decorator-based syntax, which allows you to:

  • Declare any neighbouring services a service depends on
  • Store implementation logic in an easily-readable ES6 class format
  • Provide a public interface for consumers of your service

Let's put that into practice, while also exploring the various ways you can tweak the declaration of services to meet various use-cases you may require in your app.

Attaching to Containers

By default, services are attached to the default container. However, we can tweak this behaviour by introducing an options object to the @Service decorator. Let's explore how our Hello World! example could be changed to bind the service to a different container.

import { Service, Container } from '@freshgum/typedi';

export const container = Container.ofChild('my-new-container');

@Service({ container }, [])
export class LogService {
public log(message: string) {

What we did there was add an options object to our service declaration. This gives TypeDI certain instructions on how & why the service should be initialised. In our case, we only changed the container.

Finding our Service

As we've now moved the LogService to a different container, the following will no longer work:

import { Container } from '@freshgum/typedi';
import { LogService } from './log.service';

const logger = Container.get(LogService);
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ServiceNotFoundError:
// Service with "LogService" identifier was not found in the container.

This is because containers don't search upwards. This is covered in the Containers guide.

Instead, what we have to do is use our newly-created container to find the service. Let's update our code above.

import { Container } from '@freshgum/typedi';
import { LogService, container } from './log.service';

const logger = container.get(LogService);


Creating Instances via Factories

In some cases, you'll want to create a service via a function instead of have TypeDI create it for you. For these cases, the Service decorator allows you provide a factory function, which TypeDI will use instead of the new operator to create an instance of your service.